


  • island
  • variant of 島|岛[dao3]
  • island
  • CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]


lí dǎo outlying islands
區 lí dǎo qū Islands District of the New Territories, Hong Kong
雷州半 léi zhōu bàn dǎo Leizhou Peninsula
霍爾木茲 huò ěr mù zī dǎo Hormuz Island, Iran, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf
qīng dǎo Qingdao, subprovincial city in Shandong
啤酒 qīng dǎo pí jiǔ Tsingtao Beer
市 qīng dǎo shì Qingdao, subprovincial city in Shandong
韓半 hán bàn dǎo Korean peninsula (esp. South Korean usage)
柳鶯 fàn dǎo liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Ijima's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus ijimae)
香港 xiāng gǎng dǎo Hong Kong Island
馬來半 mǎ lái bàn dǎo Malay Peninsula (possibly including Indonesia until 1945)
馬利亞納群 mǎ lì yà nà qún dǎo Mariana Islands in the Pacific
馬德拉群 mǎ dé lā qún dǎo Madeira; the Madeira Islands
馬恩 mǎ ēn dǎo Isle of Man, British Isles; Isle of Mann
馬爾維納斯群 mǎ ěr wéi nà sī qún dǎo Malvinas Islands (also known as Falkland Islands)
馬祖列 mǎ zǔ liè dǎo Matsu Islands
馬紹爾群 mǎ shào ěr qún dǎo Marshall Islands
馬達加斯加 mǎ dá jiā sī jiā dǎo Madagascar
馬里亞納群 mǎ lǐ yà nà qún dǎo Mariana Islands in the Pacific
魔鬼 mó guǐ dǎo Devil's Island, notorious French prison off the coast of French Guyana
鹿兒 lù ér dǎo Kagoshima, Japanese island prefecture off the south coast of Kyushu
黃岩 huáng yán dǎo Huangyan Island (in the South China Sea)
huáng dǎo Huangdao district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
區 huáng dǎo qū Huangdao district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
黑瞎子 hēi xiā zi dǎo Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk; Heixiazi (black blind man) Island