


  • island
  • variant of 島|岛[dao3]
  • island
  • CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]


由紀夫 sān dǎo yóu jì fū Mishima Yukio (1925-1970), Japanese author, pen name of (平岡公威|平冈公威, Hiraoka Kimitake)
不列顛諸 bù liè diān zhū dǎo British Isles
中南半 zhōng nán bàn dǎo Indochina
中印半 zhōng yìn bàn dǎo Indochina; also written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3]
zhōng dǎo Nakajima or Nakashima (Japanese surname and place name)
中沙群 zhōng shā qún dǎo Macclesfield Bank, series of reefs in the South China Sea southeast of Hainan Island
中途 zhōng tú dǎo Midway Islands
中途戰役 zhōng tú dǎo zhàn yì Battle of Midway, June 1942
亞速爾群 yà sù ěr qún dǎo Azores Islands
人工 rén gōng dǎo artificial island
xiān dǎo island of the immortals
伊比利亞半 yī bǐ lì yà bàn dǎo Iberian Peninsula
克基拉 kè jī lā dǎo Corfu (Greek: Kerkira), island in the Ionian sea
克里木半 kè lǐ mù bàn dǎo Crimea; the Crimean peninsula
克里特 kè lǐ tè dǎo Crete
bīng dǎo Iceland
liè dǎo archipelago; chain of islands
劉公 liú gōng dǎo Liugong island in the Yellow sea
加拉巴哥斯群 jiā lā bā gē sī qún dǎo Galapagos Islands
加拉帕戈斯群 jiā lā pà gē sī qún dǎo Galapagos Islands
加羅林群 jiā luó lín qún dǎo Caroline Islands
加那利群 jiā nà lì qún dǎo Canary Islands
加里曼丹 jiā lǐ màn dān dǎo Kalimantan island (Indonesian name for Borneo island)
勒斯波斯 lè sī bō sī dǎo Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)
勘察加半 kān chá jiā bàn dǎo Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia
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