HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 772nd character |
RADICAL | ⼭ (46.3) |
INDEX # | 436 |
year; age; harvest
- year
- age
- harvest
- variant of 歲|岁[sui4], year
- years old
- classifier for years (of age)
- year
- year (of crop harvests)

岁月 suì yuè | years; time |
压岁钱 yā suì qián | money given to children as new year present |
万岁 wàn suì | Long live (the king, the revolution etc)!; Your Majesty; His Majesty |
岁数 suì shu | age (number of years old) |
年岁 nián suì | years of age; age |
周岁 zhōu suì | one full year (e.g. on child's first birthday) |
太岁 tài suì | Tai Sui, God of the year; archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星[Mu4 xing1]; nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area |
岁暮 suì mù | end of the year |
岁末 suì mò | end of the year |
贺岁 hè suì | to extend New Year's greetings; to pay a New Year's visit |
二十六岁 èr shí liù suì | 26 years old |
今岁 jīn suì | (literary) this year |
去岁 qù suì | last year |
友谊万岁 yǒu yì wàn suì | see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2] |
嗣岁 sì suì | the following year; next year |
守岁 shǒu suì | to see in the New Year; to stay up all night on lunar New Year's Eve |
安太岁 ān tài suì | to propitiate the god of the current year, Tai Sui 太歲|太岁[Tai4 sui4] |
实岁 shí suì | method of calculating a person's age in years from birth; see also 虛歲|虚岁[xu1 sui4]; see also 足歲|足岁[zu2 sui4] |
几岁 jǐ suì | how old are you? (familiar, or to a child) |
往岁 wǎng suì | in former years; in olden days |
恶岁 è suì | lean year; year of bad harvest |
日久岁深 rì jiǔ suì shēn | to last for an eternity (idiom) |
早岁 zǎo suì | early years; adolescence |
旬岁 xún suì | full year; first birthday |
岁不我与 suì bù wǒ yǔ | Time and tide wait for no man (idiom) |