
class, category, type; to belong to


屬 shǔ
  • category
  • genus (taxonomy)
  • family members
  • dependents
  • to belong to
  • subordinate to
  • affiliated with
  • be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals)
  • to be
  • to prove to be
  • to constitute
屬 zhǔ
  • to join together
  • to fix one's attention on
  • to concentrate on


xià shǔ subordinate; underling
公司 xià shǔ gōng sī subsidiary (company)
交響金 jiāo xiǎng jīn shǔ symphonic metal (pop music); heavy metal with symphonic pretensions
yī shǔ dependence
克雷伯氏菌 kè léi bó shì jūn shǔ Klebsiella
全資附公司 quán zī fù shǔ gōng sī wholly owned subsidiary
fēn shǔ classification
安息香 ān xī xiāng shǔ Styrax (tree genus); snowdrop; benzoin
客蚤 kè zǎo shǔ Xenopsylla (the flea genus)
jiā shǔ family member; (family) dependent
shí shǔ (to) really (be)
不易 shí shǔ bù yì really not easy (idiom)
zhuān shǔ to belong or be dedicated exclusively to; proprietary; private; personal
經濟區 zhuān shǔ jīng jì qū exclusive economic zone
下 shǔ xià subordinate; affiliated to; subsidiary
世 shǔ shì of this world
吏 shǔ lì (old) subordinate; underling
國 shǔ guó vassal state
地 shǔ dì dependency; possession; annexed territory
實 shǔ shí to turn out to be true; verified; true
性 shǔ xìng attribute; property
意 zhǔ yì to set one's heart on; to set one's choice on
文 zhǔ wén to write prose
於 shǔ yú to be classified as; to belong to; to be part of
格 shǔ gé genitive case (in grammar)
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