
excrement, shit, dung



屎 shǐ
  • stool
  • feces
  • ear wax
  • nasal mucus


屎 stroke order diagram
屎 stroke order animation


棍 jiǎo shǐ gùn (derog.) shit-stirrer; troublemaker
gǒu shǐ canine excrement; dog poo; bullshit
运 gǒu shǐ yùn (coll.) (other people's) dumb luck
運 gǒu shǐ yùn (coll.) (other people's) dumb luck
狗改不了吃 gǒu gǎi bù liǎo chī shǐ lit. a dog can't stop himself from eating shit (idiom); fig. bad habits are hard to change
shí shǐ concrete
森林 shí shǐ sēn lín concrete jungle
duān shǐ to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates
qí shǐ newborn baby's excrement (meconium); belly button discharge (infection)
qí shǐ newborn baby's excrement (meconium); belly button discharge (infection)
咖啡 māo shǐ kā fēi "kopi luwak" or civet coffee, made from coffee beans plucked from Asian palm civet's feces
咖啡 māo shǐ kā fēi "kopi luwak" or civet coffee, made from coffee beans plucked from Asian palm civet's feces
官 chǎn shǐ guān (neologism) (coll.) pet owner (lit. "official in charge of cleaning up poop")
官 chǎn shǐ guān (neologism) (coll.) pet owner (lit. "official in charge of cleaning up poop")
鸟不拉,鸡不生蛋 niǎo bù lā shǐ , jī bù shēng dàn lit. (a place where) birds don't defecate and hens don't lay eggs (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate
鳥不拉,雞不生蛋 niǎo bù lā shǐ , jī bù shēng dàn lit. (a place where) birds don't defecate and hens don't lay eggs (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate
鸟不生蛋,狗不拉 niǎo bù shēng dàn , gǒu bù lā shǐ lit. (a place where) birds don't lay eggs and dogs don't defecate (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate
鳥不生蛋,狗不拉 niǎo bù shēng dàn , gǒu bù lā shǐ lit. (a place where) birds don't lay eggs and dogs don't defecate (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate
bí shǐ snot; nasal mucus
chī shǐ to eat shit (vulgar expression; used to express disdain or contempt)