
a legendary ancient emperor-sage



  • a legendary ancient emperor-sage
  • surname Yao
  • Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝[wu3 di4], second son of Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾[Di4 Ku4]


尧 stroke order diagram
尧 stroke order animation


táng yáo Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝[wu3 di4], second son of Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾[Di4 Ku4]
都 yáo dū Yaodu district of Linfen city 臨汾市|临汾市[Lin2 fen2 shi4], Shanxi
都区 yáo dū qū Yaodu district of Linfen city 臨汾市|临汾市[Lin2 fen2 shi4], Shanxi
舜日天 shùn rì yáo tiān sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds
舜日年 shùn rì yáo nián sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day (idiom); all for the best in the best of all possible worlds
赵忠 zhào zhōng yáo Zhao Zhongyao (1902-1998), Chinese pioneer nuclear physicist
lóng yáo Longyao county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei
县 lóng yáo xiàn Longyao county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei
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