
seek, search, look for; ancient


尋 xún
  • to search
  • to look for
  • to seek


址 kě xún zhǐ addressable (computing); accessible via an address
妙探兇 miào tàn xún xiōng Cluedo (board game)
事生非 xún shì shēng fēi to look for trouble
仇 xún chóu to carry out a vendetta against sb
來範疇 xún lái fàn chóu (math.) derived category
出 xún chū to find out; to search out; to uncover; to discover
味 xún wèi to think sth over
呼機 xún hū jī pager; beeper
問 xún wèn to inquire
回犬 xún huí quǎn retriever
址 xún zhǐ to address; to search for address; to input data into memory
寶 xún bǎo treasure hunt
常 xún cháng usual; common; ordinary
思 xún sī to consider; to ponder
找 xún zhǎo to seek; to look for
摸 xún mo to look for; to explore; to probe
根問底 xún gēn wèn dǐ lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth
根溯源 xún gēn sù yuán see 追根溯源[zhui1 gen1 su4 yuan2]
機 xún jī to look for an opportunity
歡 xún huān to seek pleasure (esp. sexual)
歡作樂 xún huān zuò lè pleasure seeking (idiom); life of dissipation
死 xún sǐ to attempt suicide; to court death
水術 xún shuǐ shù dowsing
求 xún qiú to seek; to look for
烏 xún wū Xunwu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
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