
respect, revere, venerate; honor

HSK 4 #1134


  • respect, revere, venerate
  • honor
  • senior
  • of a senior generation
  • to honor
  • to respect
  • honorific
  • classifier for cannons and statues
  • ancient wine vessel


尊 stroke order diagram
尊 stroke order animation


命賤 wēi zūn mìng jiàn orders weightier than life
安富荣 ān fù zūn róng well-off and respected (idiom); to be content with one's wealth and position
安富榮 ān fù zūn róng well-off and respected (idiom); to be content with one's wealth and position
定于一 dìng yú yī zūn (idiom) to rely on a single authority to determine what is correct; to regard a source (or entity or individual) as the ultimate authority
定於一 dìng yú yī zūn (idiom) to rely on a single authority to determine what is correct; to regard a source (or entity or individual) as the ultimate authority
公 zūn gōng (honorific) your father
卑 zūn bēi superior and subordinate; social ranking
君 zūn jūn (honorific) your father
命 zūn mìng your order (honorific)
嚴 zūn yán dignity; sanctity; honor; majesty
堂 zūn táng (honorific) your mother
奉 zūn fèng worship; to revere; to venerate
尚 zūn shàng to value highly; to hold up sth as a model
师 zūn shī revered master
師 zūn shī revered master
师爱徒 zūn shī ài tú title of a Daoist priest; revered master
師愛徒 zūn shī ài tú title of a Daoist priest; revered master
师贵道 zūn shī guì dào to revere the master and his teaching
師貴道 zūn shī guì dào to revere the master and his teaching
从 zūn cóng to obey; to observe; to follow
從 zūn cóng to obey; to observe; to follow
意 zūn yì (honorific) your respected opinion; What do you think, your majesty?
榮 zūn róng honor and glory
稱 zūn chēng to address sb deferentially; title; honorific
翁 zūn wēng (honorific) your father