寿 shòu

old age, long life; lifespan

HSK 5 #1615


  • old age, long life
  • lifespan
  • surname Shou
  • long life
  • old age
  • age
  • life
  • birthday
  • funerary


寿 stroke order diagram
寿 stroke order animation


寿司 shòu sī sushi
寿命不长 shòu mìng bù cháng one's days are numbered; not to have long to live (often fig.)
寿喜烧 shòu xǐ shāo sukiyaki
寿宁 shòu níng Shouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian
寿宁县 shòu níng xiàn Shouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian
寿带 shòu dài (bird species of China) Asian paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)
寿数 shòu shu predestined length of life
寿数已尽 shòu shù yǐ jǐn to die (when one's predestined life span is up)
寿材 shòu cái coffin
寿桃 shòu táo (myth.) peaches of immortality, kept by Xi Wangmu; fresh or confectionery peaches offered as a birthday gift
寿桃包 shòu táo bāo longevity peach bun; birthday peach bun
寿比南山 shòu bǐ nán shān Live as long as the Zhongnan Mountains! (idiom); Long may you live!
寿王坟 shòu wáng fén Shouwangfen town, in Chengde 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei
寿王坟镇 shòu wáng fén zhèn Shouwangfen town, in Chengde 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei
寿礼 shòu lǐ birthday present (for an old person)
寿筵 shòu yán birthday banquet
寿糕 shòu gāo birthday cake
寿终 shòu zhōng to die of old age; to live to a ripe old age; (fig.) (of sth) to come to an end (after a long period of service)
寿县 shòu xiàn Shou county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui
寿考 shòu kǎo long life; life span
寿丰 shòu fēng Shoufeng township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 Xian4], east Taiwan
寿丰乡 shòu fēng xiāng Shoufeng township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 Xian4], east Taiwan
寿辰 shòu chén birthday (of an old person)
寿限 shòu xiàn lifetime; length of life
寿阳 shòu yáng Shouyang county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi