
direct, guide, lead, conduct

HSK 4 #343


  • direct, guide, lead, conduct
  • to transmit
  • to lead
  • to guide
  • to conduct
  • to direct


导 stroke order diagram
导 stroke order animation


火线 dǎo huǒ xiàn fuse (for explosives); (fig.) proximate cause; the last straw
线 dǎo xiàn electrical lead
zhì dǎo to control (the course of sth); to guide (a missile)
zhí dǎo to direct (a film, play etc)
员 zhǐ dǎo yuán instructor; coach; political instructor (in the PLA)
入 dǎo rù to introduce into; to channel; to lead; to guide into; to import (data)
biān dǎo to write and direct (a play, film etc); playwright-director; choreographer-director; scenarist-director
层 lǐng dǎo céng ruling class; leaders (of society); oligarchy
巡航弹 xún háng dǎo dàn cruise missile
quàn dǎo to advise; to attempt to convince
体 dǎo tǐ conductor (of electricity or heat)
弹道弹 dàn dào dǎo dàn ballistic missile
者 chàng dǎo zhě proponent; advocate; pioneer
电 dǎo diàn to conduct electricity
班 fǔ dǎo bān tutorial class; remedial class; preparatory course
出 dǎo chū to derive; derived; derivation; to entail; to induce; to export (data)
体 bàn dǎo tǐ semiconductor
权 lǐng dǎo quán leadership authority
dū dǎo to direct; to oversee
shū dǎo to dredge; to open up a path for; to remove obstructions; to clear the way; to enlighten; persuasion
电性 dǎo diàn xìng conductivity (elec.)
tuī dǎo derivation; to deduce
弹 hé dǎo dàn nuclear missile
读 dǎo dú guide (e.g. book or other printed material)
洲际弹 zhōu jì dǎo dàn intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM