
real, true, solid, honest


實 shí
  • real
  • true
  • honest
  • really
  • solid
  • fruit
  • seed
  • definitely


力 yìng shí lì hard power (i.e. military and economic power)
què shí indeed; really; reliable; real; true
科學驗 kē xué shí yàn scientific experiment
zhǒng shí seed; seedpod; aril
wěn shí steady; calm and practical
dǔ shí loyal; sincere; sound
zǐ shí seed; grain; kernel; bean
jì shí record of actual events; documentary (factual rather than fictional)
zhá shi see 扎實|扎实[zha1 shi5]
jiē shí to bear fruit
jiē shi rugged; sturdy; strong; durable; buff (physique)
jǐn shí tight; firm; dense; packed
羌無故 qiāng wú gù shí to have no basis in fact (idiom)
xiáng shí complete and accurate
lǎo shi honest; sincere; well-behaved; open and guileless; naive
巴交 lǎo shi bā jiāo (coll.) docile; well-behaved; biddable
說 lǎo shí shuō honestly speaking; to be frank, ...
耳聽為虛,眼見為 ěr tīng wéi xū , yǎn jiàn wéi shí Take what you hear to be false, only believe it when you see it (idiom). Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself.; It ain't necessarily so.
féi shí plump (of fruit); fat (of meat); fertile (of land)
腳踏地 jiǎo tà shí dì to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without flights of fancy; steady and serious character
自我現 zì wǒ shí xiàn self-actualization (psychology); self-realization
ài shí mugwort fruit (TCM); also called fruit of argyi wormwood; Fructus Artemisiae argyi
qiàn shí Gorgon fruit; Semen euryales (botany); see also 雞頭米|鸡头米[ji1 tou2 mi3]
荷槍彈 hè qiāng shí dàn (idiom) armed; carrying a loaded firearm
華而不 huá ér bù shí flower but no fruit (idiom); handsome exterior but hollow inside; flashy