
real, true, solid, honest


實 shí
  • real
  • true
  • honest
  • really
  • solid
  • fruit
  • seed
  • definitely


布魯克海文驗室 bù lǔ kè hǎi wén shí yàn shì Brookhaven National Laboratory
píng shí simple and unadorned; plain; (of land) level; even
招來 cóng shí zhāo lái to own up to the facts
徵名責 zhēng míng zé shí to seek out the real nature based on the name (idiom); to judge sth at face value
zhēng shí levies in kind; grain tax
zhōng shí faithful
惡惡 è è shí shí very fierce
hān shí simple and honest
宗 chéng shí zōng Satyasiddhi school of Buddhism
zhā shi strong; solid; sturdy; firm; practical
推進 zhā shi tuī jìn solid progress
扎扎 zhā zha shí shí firm; solid; reliable; real; practical
批踢踢業坊 pī tī tī shí yè fāng PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw)
dǎo shí to ram (earth); to compact earth by ramming
jù shí according to the facts
以告 jù shí yǐ gào to report according to the facts; to tell the truth; to tell it like it is
擴增境 kuò zēng shí jìng augmented reality (computing)
擺事講道理 bǎi shì shí jiǎng dào lǐ present the facts and reason things out
既成事 jì chéng shì shí fait accompli
錄 míng shí lù annals of the Ming Dynasty 明朝[Ming2 chao2] (1368-1644)
有名亡 yǒu míng wáng shí lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name; nominal
有名無 yǒu míng wú shí lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name; nominal
未經證 wèi jīng zhèng shí unconfirmed
guǒ shí fruit (produced by a plant); (fig.) fruits (of success etc); results; gains
散播 guǒ shí sàn bō fruit dispersal