HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 442nd character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2105 |
looks, appearance; figure, form
容 róng |

容易 róng yì | easy; likely; liable (to) |
内容 nèi róng | content; substance; details; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] |
形容 xíng róng | to describe; description; appearance; look |
容忍 róng rěn | to put up with; to tolerate |
容器 róng qì | receptacle; vessel; (computing) container |
宽容 kuān róng | lenient; tolerant; indulgent; charitable; to forgive |
容纳 róng nà | to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions) |
容貌 róng mào | one's appearance; one's aspect; looks; features |
从容 cóng róng | to go easy; unhurried; calm; Taiwan pr. [cong1 rong2] |
阵容 zhèn róng | troop arrangement; battle formation; lineup (of a sports team etc) |
刻不容缓 kè bù róng huǎn | to brook no delay; to demand immediate action |
笑容 xiào róng | smile; smiling expression; CL:副[fu4] |
整容 zhěng róng | plastic surgery |
好不容易 hǎo bù róng yì | with great difficulty; very difficult |
美容 měi róng | to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery); to make oneself more attractive; to beautify |
收容所 shōu róng suǒ | temporary shelter; hospice; refuge (e.g. for animals); detention center |
容许 róng xǔ | to permit; to allow |
不容 bù róng | must not; cannot; to not allow; cannot tolerate |
纵容 zòng róng | to indulge; to connive at |
包容 bāo róng | to pardon; to forgive; to show tolerance; to contain; to hold; inclusive |
容光焕发 róng guāng huàn fā | face glowing (idiom); looking radiant; all smiles |
面容 miàn róng | appearance; facial features |
形容词 xíng róng cí | adjective |
收容 shōu róng | to provide a place to stay; to house; to accommodate; (of an institution etc) to take in; to accept |
美容院 měi róng yuàn | beauty salon; lady's hair parlor |