
house, home, residence; family

HSK 1 #56


家 jiā
  • see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]
  • home
  • family
  • (polite) my (sister, uncle etc)
  • classifier for families or businesses
  • refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China
  • noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian
  • CL:個|个[ge4]


家 stroke order diagram
家 stroke order animation


常事 bīng jiā cháng shì commonplace in military operations (idiom)
冒險 mào xiǎn jiā adventurer
宜解不宜结 yuān jiā yí jiě bù yí jié It is better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive (proverb)
宜解不宜結 yuān jiā yí jiě bù yí jié It is better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive (proverb)
對頭 yuān jiā duì tóu enemy (idiom); opponent; arch-enemy
路窄 yuān jiā lù zhǎi lit. enemies on a narrow road (idiom); fig. an inevitable clash between opposing factions
人 chū jiā rén monk; nun (Buddhist or Daoist)
劇作 jù zuò jiā playwright
夼 liú jiā kuǎng Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong
夼 liú jiā kuǎng Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong
夼镇 liú jiā kuǎng zhèn Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong
夼鎮 liú jiā kuǎng zhèn Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong
村 liú jiā cūn Liujia village in Zhangdian district 张店区 of Zhibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong
村 liú jiā cūn Liujia village in Zhangdian district 张店区 of Zhibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong
辉 liú jiā huī Gordon Liu (1955-), Hong Kong action actor
輝 liú jiā huī Gordon Liu (1955-), Hong Kong action actor
加勒比国联盟 jiā lè bǐ guó jiā lián méng Association of Caribbean States
加勒比國聯盟 jiā lè bǐ guó jiā lián méng Association of Caribbean States
加拿大皇 jiā ná dà huáng jiā HMCS (Her Majesty's Canadian Ship); prefix for Canadian Navy Vessels
加拿大皇海军 jiā ná dà huáng jiā hǎi jūn Royal Canadian Navy RCN
加拿大皇海軍 jiā ná dà huáng jiā hǎi jūn Royal Canadian Navy RCN
勤儉持 qín jiǎn chí jiā hardworking and thrifty in running one's household
勤俭起 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom)
勤儉起 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom)
化學 huà xué jiā chemist