HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 77th character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.5) |
INDEX # | 1276 |
decide, settle, fix
- decide, settle, fix
- to set
- to fix
- to determine
- to decide
- to order
重整奥思定会 zhòng zhěng ào sī dìng huì | Order of Augustinian Recollects, a mendicant Catholic religious order of friars and nuns |
重整奧思定會 zhòng zhěng ào sī dìng huì | Order of Augustinian Recollects, a mendicant Catholic religious order of friars and nuns |
野外定向 yě wài dìng xiàng | orienteering |
量身定制 liáng shēn dìng zhì | tailor-made |
量身定製 liáng shēn dìng zhì | tailor-made |
鎖定 suǒ dìng | to lock (a door); to close with a latch; to lock into place; a lock; a latch; to lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten); to lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection); to focus attention on; to target |
鎮定 zhèn dìng | calm; unperturbed; cool |
镇定剂 zhèn dìng jì | tranquilizer; depressant; sedative |
鎮定劑 zhèn dìng jì | tranquilizer; depressant; sedative |
镇定药 zhèn dìng yào | sedative drug |
鎮定藥 zhèn dìng yào | sedative drug |
鐵定 tiě dìng | unalterable; certainly; definitely |
鑑定 jiàn dìng | to appraise; to identify; to evaluate |
鉴定委员会 jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì | evaluation committee; review board |
鑒定委員會 jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì | evaluation committee; review board |
长期稳定性 cháng qī wěn dìng xìng | long-term stability |
長期穩定性 cháng qī wěn dìng xìng | long-term stability |
闭图象定理 bì tú xiàng dìng lǐ | closed graph theorem (math.) |
閉圖象定理 bì tú xiàng dìng lǐ | closed graph theorem (math.) |
关税与贸易总协定 guān shuì yǔ mào yì zǒng xié dìng | GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
關稅與貿易總協定 guān shuì yǔ mào yì zǒng xié dìng | GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
关贸总协定 guān mào zǒng xié dìng | GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
關貿總協定 guān mào zǒng xié dìng | GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
限定词 xiàn dìng cí | determiner (in grammar, i.e. article, demonstrative, possessive pronoun, noun genitive etc) |
限定詞 xiàn dìng cí | determiner (in grammar, i.e. article, demonstrative, possessive pronoun, noun genitive etc) |