HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 533rd character |
RADICAL | ⼦ (39.6) |
INDEX # | 1730 |
baby, child; children
- baby, child
- children
- child

孩子 hái zi | child |
女孩 nǚ hái | girl; lass |
男孩 nán hái | boy; CL:個|个[ge4] |
小孩 xiǎo hái | child; CL:個|个[ge4] |
女孩子 nǚ hái zi | girl |
孩儿 hái ér | child |
小孩子 xiǎo hái zi | child |
男孩子 nán hái zi | boy |
孩子气 hái zi qì | boyish; childish |
孩童 hái tóng | child |
孩提 hái tí | (literary) infant; young child |
婴孩 yīng hái | infant |
毛孩子 máo hái zi | (coll.) infant; ignorant child |
狼孩 láng hái | wolf child; human child raised by wolves (in legends) |
女孩儿 nǚ hái r | erhua variant of 女孩[nu:3 hai2] |
女孩兒 nǚ hái r | erhua variant of 女孩[nu:3 hai2] |
嬰孩 yīng hái | infant |
孩兒 hái ér | child |
孩奴 hái nú | "a slave to one's children", hard-working parents who would do everything to ensure their children's well-being, in disregard of their own needs |
孩子们 hái zi men | children |
孩子們 hái zi men | children |
孩子氣 hái zi qì | boyish; childish |
小孩儿 xiǎo hái r | erhua variant of 小孩[xiao3 hai2] |
小孩兒 xiǎo hái r | erhua variant of 小孩[xiao3 hai2] |
小孩堤防 xiǎo hái dí fáng | Kinderdijk, village in the Netherlands with a large network of windmills attracting many tourists |