married women; woman; wife


婦 fù
  • woman
  • old variant of 婦|妇[fu4]


中華全國女聯合會 zhōng huá quán guó fù nǚ lián hé huì All-China Women's Federation (PRC, established 1949)
zhǔ fù housewife; woman of senior authority in a household; the lady of the house; hostess
二產 èr chǎn fù lady who has given birth twice
yōng fù maid; female servant; domestic worker; domestic helper; housekeeper
兒媳 ér xí fu daughter-in-law
兒媳兒 ér xí fu r erhua variant of 兒媳婦|儿媳妇[er2 xi2 fu5]
diāo fù shrew; virago
匹夫匹 pǐ fū pǐ fù ordinary people; commoners
國際女節 guó jì fù nǚ jié International Women's Day (March 8)
外甥媳 wài sheng xí fù sister's son's wife
多年媳熬成婆 duō nián xí fù áo chéng pó see 媳婦熬成婆|媳妇熬成婆[xi2 fu4 ao4 cheng2 po2]
羅 tiān fù luó tempura; deep-fried cooking; also called 甜不辣[tian2 bu4 la4]
夫唱隨 fū chàng fù suí fig. the man sings and the woman follows; fig. marital harmony
fū fù a (married) couple; husband and wife; CL:對|对[dui4]
rèn fù expecting mother
yāo fù witch (esp. European)
pīn fù mistress; concubine; kept woman
姦夫淫 jiān fū yín fù adulterous couple
姪媳 zhí xí fu brother's son's wife; nephew's wife
娶媳 qǔ xí fù to get oneself a wife; to take a daughter-in-law
chāng fù prostitute
人 fù rén married woman
人之仁 fù rén zhī rén excessive tendency to clemency (idiom); soft-hearted (pejorative)
女 fù nǚ woman
女主任 fù nǚ zhǔ rèn director of the local committee of the Women's Federation
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