
prostitute, harlot



  • prostitute, harlot
  • prostitute


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妓 chāng jì prostitute
妇 chāng fù prostitute
piáo chāng to visit prostitutes; to go whoring
àn chāng unlicensed (unregistered) prostitute
逼良为 bī liáng wéi chāng to force an honest girl into prostitution (idiom); to debauch
女 chāng nǚ prostitute
婦 chāng fù prostitute
家 chāng jiā brothel
宿 sù chāng to visit a prostitute
笑贫不笑 xiào pín bù xiào chāng the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty; lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom)
笑貧不笑 xiào pín bù xiào chāng the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty; lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom)
逼良為 bī liáng wéi chāng to force an honest girl into prostitution (idiom); to debauch
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