miǎn wèn wǎn

give birth child; complaisant



娩 miǎn
  • to give birth to a child
娩 wǎn
  • complaisant
  • agreeable


娩 stroke order diagram
娩 stroke order animation


fēn miǎn labor; parturition; delivery
臀位分 tún wèi fēn miǎn breech delivery (medicine)
臀产式分 tún chǎn shì fēn miǎn breech delivery (medicine)
臀產式分 tún chǎn shì fēn miǎn breech delivery (medicine)
诱导分 yòu dǎo fēn miǎn to induce labor (i.e. childbirth); labor induction
誘導分 yòu dǎo fēn miǎn to induce labor (i.e. childbirth); labor induction
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