xiè qiè jié

deed, contract, bond; engrave



契 qì
  • to carve
  • carved words
  • to agree
  • a contract
  • a deed


契 stroke order diagram
契 stroke order animation


約 qì yuē agreement; contract
约桥牌 qì yuē qiáo pái contract bridge (card game)
約橋牌 qì yuē qiáo pái contract bridge (card game)
约精神 qì yuē jīng shén culture of honoring contractual obligations
約精神 qì yuē jīng shén culture of honoring contractual obligations
訶夫 qì hē fū Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904), Russian writer famous for his short stories and plays
tóu qì to get along well (with sb); congenial; to speculate (on financial markets)
斐波那 fěi bō nà qì Leonardo Fibonacci (c. 1170-1250), Italian mathematician
xiāng qì (literary) to be a good match
yuē qì contract; oath of allegiance
yuē qì contract; oath of allegiance
suǒ qì Sochi (city on the Black Sea in Russia)
阿巴拉亞 ā bā lā qì yà Appalachian Mountains in North America