
much, many; more than, over

HSK 1 #61


  • much, many
  • more than, over
  • many
  • much
  • often
  • a lot of
  • numerous
  • more
  • in excess
  • how (to what extent)
  • multi-
  • Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"


多 stroke order diagram
多 stroke order animation


jī duō Quito, capital of Ecuador
罗纳尔 luó nà ěr duō Ronaldo (name); Cristiano Ronaldo (1985-), Portuguese soccer player
zhì duō up to the maximum; upper limit; at most
吉少 xiōng duō jí shǎo everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious; everything points to disaster
益善 duō duō yì shàn the more the better
方 duō fāng in many ways; from all sides
方面 duō fāng miàn many-sided; in many aspects
面手 duō miàn shǒu multi-talented person; versatile person; all-rounder
fán duō many and varied; of many different kinds
尔 duō ěr Dole (name); Bob Dole (1923-), US Republican politician, Kansas senator 1969-1996
好事磨 hǎo shì duō mó the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks (idiom)
bèi duō pattra palm tree (loan from Sanskrit, Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras
势众 rén duō shì zhòng many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength; There is safety in numbers.
瑙河 duō nǎo hé Danube
ān duō Amdo county, Tibetan: A mdo rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet
功能 duō gōng néng multi-functional; multi-function
如牛毛 duō rú niú máo as many as the hair of the ox (idiom); great amount of; countless
心 duō xīn oversensitive; suspicious
摩尔瓦 mó ěr duō wǎ Moldova; Republic of Moldova, former Soviet republic on the border with Romania
莱昂纳 lái áng nà duō Leonardo (name)
克 mò duō kè Murdoch (name); Rupert Murdoch (1931-), media magnate
孔 duō kǒng porous
年生 duō nián shēng perennial (of plants)
难 duō zāi duō nàn to be plagued with misfortunes; precarious
jū duō to be in the majority