
much, many; more than, over

HSK 1 #61


  • much, many
  • more than, over
  • many
  • much
  • often
  • a lot of
  • numerous
  • more
  • in excess
  • how (to what extent)
  • multi-
  • Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"


多 stroke order diagram
多 stroke order animation


疑 duō yí mistrustful; suspicious; paranoid
米尼克 duō mǐ ní kè Dominica
嘴 duō zuǐ talkative; to speak out of turn; to blab; to shoot one's mouth off; rumors fly
芬 bèi duō fēn Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), German composer
种 duō zhǒng many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi-
dǐng duō at most; at best
利 duō lì Dolly (1996-2003), female sheep, first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell
奥兰 ào lán duō Orlando
米诺 duō mǐ nuò domino (loanword)
重 duō chóng multi- (faceted, cultural, ethnic etc)
科罗拉州 kē luó lā duō zhōu Colorado
艺 duō cái duō yì multi-talented
zēng duō to increase; to grow in number
duō lún duō Toronto, capital of Ontario, Canada
拉 pān duō lā Pandora
zhū duō (used for abstract things) a good deal, a lot of
或少 huò duō huò shǎo more or less
佛 duō fó Dover
变 duō biàn fickle; multi-variate (math.)
情 duō qíng affectionate; passionate; emotional; sentimental
姿彩 duō zī duō cǎi diversity (of forms and colors)
丰富彩 fēng fù duō cǎi richly colorful
样化 duō yàng huà diversification; to diversify
足智谋 zú zhì duō móu resourceful; full of stratagems
于 duō yú more than; greater than