
casing, shell, husk

HSK 6 #1937


壳 qiào
  • shell
  • carapace
  • crust (earth's crust etc)
  • also pr. [ke2]


壳 stroke order diagram
壳 stroke order animation


幔 ké màn crust-mantle (geology)
牌公司 qiào pái gōng sī Shell (oil company)
质 qiào zhì chitin
郎猪 ké lang zhū (coll.) feeder pig
油底 yóu dǐ ké oil sump
洋底地 yáng dǐ dì qiào oceanic crust (geology)
yáng qiào oceanic crust (geology)
乌龟 wū guī ké tortoise shell
族 wú ké zú see 無殼蝸牛|无壳蜗牛[wu2 ke2 wo1 niu2]
蜗牛 wú ké wō niú fig. people who cannot afford to buy their own house
玳瑁 dài mào ké tortoise shell
动物 jiǎ qiào dòng wù crustacean
素 jiǎ qiào sù chitin
虫 jiǎ qiào chóng the Beatles (1960s UK pop group); beetle
虫类 jiǎ ké chóng lèi coleoptera
类 jiǎ qiào lèi crustacean
pí qiào carapace; hard outer shell; also pr. [pi2 ke2]
果 yìng ké guǒ nut; fruit with hard shell
dào ké rice husk
jié ké crust; crusting; incrustation
ěr ké outer ear; auricle; pinna
tuō ké to break out of an eggshell; to molt; to remove the husk; to shell
tuì ké to exuviate; to molt
tuì qiào see 蛻殼|蜕壳[tui4 ke2]
儿 bèi ké r erhua variant of 貝殼|贝壳[bei4 ke2]