
fall down, drop, sink, go to ruin


  • fall down, drop, sink, go to ruin
  • to fall
  • to drop
  • to weigh down


diào zhuì a pendant (jewelry)
縛 diào zhuì fù strappado bondage
亡 zhuì wáng to fall to one's death
入 zhuì rù to drop into; to fall into
入情網 zhuì rù qíng wǎng to fall in love
子 zhuì zi weight; pendant; same as 墜胡|坠胡[zhui4 hu2]; ballad singing accompanied by a 墜胡|坠胡[zhui4 hu2]
樓 zhuì lóu to fall off or jump off a building
機 zhuì jī airplane crash
毀 zhuì huǐ (of an airplane etc) to fall to the ground and crash
海 zhuì hǎi to fall into the ocean; to crash into the ocean
琴 zhuì qín same as 墜胡|坠胡[zhui4 hu2]
胎 zhuì tāi to have an abortion; abortion
胡 zhuì hú two-stringed bowed instrument; also called 墜琴|坠琴[zhui4 qin2]
落 zhuì luò to fall; to drop
飾 zhuì shì pendant (jewelry)
馬 zhuì mǎ to fall off a horse
天花亂 tiān huā luàn zhuì lit. a deluge of heavenly flowers (idiom); fig. extravagant embellishments; hype
shī zhuì loss
盒 guà zhuì hé locket
搖搖欲 yáo yáo yù zhuì tottering; on the verge of collapse
jī zhuì to shoot down
léi zhuì variant of 累贅|累赘[lei2 zhui4]
子 ěr zhuì zi eardrops (pendant jewelry); earrings; CL:對|对[dui4],隻|只[zhi1]
金烏西,玉兔東昇 jīn wū xī zhuì , yù tù dōng shēng lit. the golden bird of the sun sets in the west, the jade hare of the moon rises in the east; fig. at sunset
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