
report, tell, announce


報 bào
  • to announce
  • to inform
  • report
  • newspaper
  • recompense
  • revenge
  • CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]


dú bào to read newspapers
cái bào financial report
貴州日 guì zhōu rì bào Guizhou Daily, www.gog.com.cn
費加羅 fèi jiā luó bào Le Figaro
費用銷單 fèi yòng bào xiāo dān expense claim form
赫芬頓郵 hè fēn dùn yóu bào Huffington Post (US online news aggregator)
跑警 pǎo jǐng bào to run for shelter
軍事情 jūn shì qíng bào military intelligence
bàn bào to run a newspaper; to publish a newspaper
追蹤導 zhuī zōng bào dǎo follow-up report
tōng bào to inform; to notify; to announce; circular; bulletin; (scientific) journal
zhōu bào weekly publication
邊際酬 biān jì bào chóu marginal returns
dǐ bào imperial bulletin, palace report dating back to Han dynasty
yóu bào Post (in the name of a newspaper)
chóu bào to repay; to reward
金融時 jīn róng shí bào Financial Times
金融時指數 jīn róng shí bào zhǐ shù Financial Times stock exchange index (FTSE 100 or footsie)
銷售時點情系統 xiāo shòu shí diǎn qíng bào xì tǒng point of sale system
陰德必有陽 yīn dé bì yǒu yáng bào hidden merits will have visible rewards (idiom)
隱情不 yǐn qíng bù bào not to report sth; to keep sth secret
隱病不 yǐn bìng bù bào not to tell others of one's illness
隱瞞不 yǐn mán bù bào to cover up (a matter that should be reported to the authorities)
diàn bào telegram; cable; telegraph; CL:封[feng1],份[fen4]
局 diàn bào jú telegraph office