
report, tell, announce


報 bào
  • to announce
  • to inform
  • report
  • newspaper
  • recompense
  • revenge
  • CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]


běn bào this newspaper
東方日 dōng fāng rì bào Oriental Daily News
bǎn bào see 黑板報|黑板报[hei1 ban3 bao4]
guǒ bào karma; preordained fate (Buddhism)
機關 jī guān bào official (government-operated) newspaper
每日快 měi rì kuài bào Daily Express (newspaper)
每日郵 měi rì yóu bào Daily Mail (newspaper)
每日鏡 měi rì jìng bào Daily Mirror (newspaper)
每日電訊 měi rì diàn xùn bào Daily Telegraph (newspaper)
河北日 hé běi rì bào Hebei Daily, www.hebeidaily.com.cn
法制日 fǎ zhì rì bào Legal Daily, newspaper published by PRC Ministry of Justice
法蘭克福匯 fǎ lán kè fú huì bào Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
法製晚 fǎ zhì wǎn bào Lawcourt evening news, offshoot of 北京年青报 specialising in legal news, www.fawan.com
泰晤士 tài wù shì bào Times (newspaper)
洛杉磯時 luò shān jī shí bào Los Angeles Times
劇 huó bào jù political street theater (loanword from Zhivaya Gazeta, or Living Newspaper, Russian theater form of the 1920s)
hǎi bào poster; playbill; notice
海峽時 hǎi xiá shí bào The Straits Times
cè bào to estimate and report; to assess
無以為 wú yǐ wéi bào unable to return the favor
燕趙都市 yān zhào dū shì bào Yanzhao Metropolis Daily
qiáng bào wall newspaper
獨立 dú lì bào The Independent
huò bào to receive a report; to receive intelligence, information etc
現世 xiàn shì bào karmic retribution within one's lifetime