foundation, base

HSK 4 #280


  • foundation, base
  • base
  • foundation
  • basic
  • radical (chemistry)
  • (slang) gay


基 stroke order diagram
基 stroke order animation


肯德 kěn dé jī KFC; Kentucky Fried Chicken
调 jī diào main key (of a musical composition); keynote (speech)
gēn jī foundation
本功 jī běn gōng basic skills; fundamentals
弗拉米尔 fú lā jī mǐ ěr Vladimir
瓦尔里 wǎ ěr jī lǐ valkyrie
亚 nuò jī yà Nokia (company name)
线 jī xiàn base (of a triangle); base line (in geodetic survey); horizontal
ān jī amino; amino group
赫尔辛 hè ěr xīn jī Helsinki (Swedish Helsingfors), capital of Finland
加利 jī jiā lì Kigali, capital of Rwanda
层 jī céng basic level; grassroots unit; basement layer
dēng jī to ascend the throne
因组 jī yīn zǔ genome
准 jī zhǔn norm; standard; standard of reference; base; base point; base line; benchmark; reference point; reference frame; criterion; data
迦太 jiā tài jī Carthage
卡内 kǎ nèi jī Carnegie (name); Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scots American steel millionaire and philanthropist
尔 jī ěr Kiel (German city)
diàn jī groundbreaking; to lay foundation
yáng jī see 洋基隊|洋基队[Yang2 ji1 dui4]; New York Yankees (US baseball team)
人 diàn jī rén founder; pioneer
多 jī duō Quito, capital of Ecuador
普 jī pǔ kip (Laotian currency)
站 jī zhàn base station
柴可夫斯 chái kě fū sī jī Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian composer