
pattern, model, type; law; mold

HSK 5 #556


  • pattern, model, type
  • law
  • mold
  • mold
  • type
  • style
  • model



偏执 piān zhí xíng paranoid (psych.)
偏執 piān zhí xíng paranoid (psych.)
先天愚 xiān tiān yú xíng Down syndrome; trisomy 21
化 diǎn xíng huà stereotype; exemplar; typification
用途 diǎn xíng yòng tú typical use; typical application
登革热 diǎn xíng dēng gé rè dengue fever
登革熱 diǎn xíng dēng gé rè dengue fever
凹造 āo zào xíng (coll.) to strike a pose
jì xíng delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)
加值网路 jiā zhí xíng wǎng lù value added network; VAN
加值網路 jiā zhí xíng wǎng lù value added network; VAN
原核细胞微生物 yuán hé xì bāo xíng wēi shēng wù prokaryotic cell type microorganism
原核細胞微生物 yuán hé xì bāo xíng wēi shēng wù prokaryotic cell type microorganism
可变渗透性模 kě biàn shèn tòu xìng mó xíng Varying Permeability Model (VPM), (used to calculate decompression schedules in diving)
可變滲透性模 kě biàn shèn tòu xìng mó xíng Varying Permeability Model (VPM), (used to calculate decompression schedules in diving)
性 tóng xíng xìng isomorphism
配子 tóng xíng pèi zǐ isogamete
单词产生器模 dān cí chǎn shēng qì mó xíng logogen model
單詞產生器模 dān cí chǎn shēng qì mó xíng logogen model
态 xíng tài form; shape; type; style; pattern
態 xíng tài form; shape; type; style; pattern
材 xíng cái extruded profile
板 xíng bǎn template
男 xíng nán fashionable and good-looking guy (slang)
號 xíng hào model (particular version of a manufactured article); type (product specification in terms of color, size etc)