
pattern, model, type; law; mold

HSK 5 #556


型 xíng
  • mold
  • type
  • style
  • model



鼠蚤斑疹傷寒 shǔ zǎo xíng bān zhěn shāng hán murine typhus fever
chē xíng car model/type; the specific design or type of a car, often used to differentiate between different versions or styles
新造 xīn zào xíng new style or appearance; a fresh and updated look
duō xíng multiple types; having various kinds or types
jī xíng aircraft model/type
mǒu xíng a certain type; some specific kind
tóu xíng head shape; the shape or structure of the head
bǎn xíng cut; style (of clothing)
kǒu xíng lip movement; the shape and movement of the mouth when speaking
ruǎn xíng soft type; a soft form or type
数字模 shù zì mó xíng digital model; a representation of a system or phenomenon using numerical data and algorithms to simulate its behavior
tí xíng question type; format of questions
项目 dà xíng xiàng mù large-scale project; a significant or extensive project
tí xíng question types; types of questions in an exam or test
tí xí question type; the type or format of questions in an assessment
混合 hùn hé xíng mixed type
xiāng xíng fragrance type; scent variety