
sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump


團 tuán
  • round
  • lump
  • ball
  • to roll into a ball
  • to gather
  • regiment
  • group
  • society
  • classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)
  • dumpling


美國國際集 měi guó guó jì jí tuán American International Group
點評 měi tuán diǎn píng Meituan-Dianping, China's largest service-focused e-commerce platform
美林集 měi lín jí tuán Merrill Lynch
群眾體 qún zhòng tuán tǐ mass organizations
義和 yì hé tuán the Righteous and Harmonious Fists; the Boxers (history)
義和運動 yì hé tuán yùn dòng Boxer Rebellion
考察 kǎo chá tuán inspection team
耍得轉 shuǎ de tuán tuán zhuàn to fool; to dupe
聯想集 lián xiǎng jí tuán Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm)
肉蒲 ròu pú tuán The Carnal Prayer Mat, Chinese erotic novel from 17th century, usually attributed to Li Yu 李漁|李渔[Li3 Yu3]
脂肪 zhī fáng tuán cellulite
錦簇 huā tuán jǐn cù brightly colored decorations (idiom); splendid
菌膠 jūn jiāo tuán zoogloea
華納音樂集 huà nà yīn yuè jí tuán Warner Music Group
pú tuán praying mat (Buddhism, made of woven cattail)
薔薇十字 qiáng wēi shí zì tuán the Rosicrucian order (masonic order)
評審 píng shěn tuán jury; panel of judges
評審特別獎 píng shěn tuán tè bié jiǎng Special Jury Prize
調查 diào chá tuán investigating team
mí tuán riddle; enigma; unpredictable situation; elusive matters
cái tuán financial group
pǎo tuán tabletop role-playing game
路透集 lù tòu jí tuán Reuters group plc
踩線 cǎi xiàn tuán group on a tour to get acquainted with the local situation
jūn tuán corps; legion