
sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump


團 tuán
  • round
  • lump
  • ball
  • to roll into a ball
  • to gather
  • regiment
  • group
  • society
  • classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)
  • dumpling


宗教 zōng jiào tuán religious order; religious grouping
官能 guān néng tuán functional group (chemistry)
富士康科技集 fù shì kāng kē jì jí tuán Foxconn Technology Group
寶鋼集 bǎo gāng jí tuán Baosteel, China's largest steel maker
體主義 xiǎo tuán tǐ zhǔ yì cliquism; small-group mentality
小集 xiǎo jí tuán faction; clique
岩倉使節 yán cāng shǐ jié tuán the Iwakura mission (Japanese diplomatic and exploratory mission to US and Europe of 1871)
工業七國集 gōng yè qī guó jí tuán G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)
復活的軍 fù huó de jūn tuán the Resurrected Army (CCTV documentary series about the Terracotta army)
愛樂樂 ài yuè yuè tuán philharmonic orchestra
慌成一 huāng chéng yī tuán (of a group of people) to run about helplessly
zhàn tuán fighting group; by extension, a fight; a fray
承銷 chéng xiāo tuán underwriting group
抗日救亡體 kàng rì jiù wáng tuán tǐ Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization
披頭四樂 pī tóu sì yuè tuán the Beatles
抱成一 bào chéng yī tuán to band together; to gang up; to stick together
抱抱 bào bào tuán Free Hugs Campaign
新慕道 xīn mù dào tuán neo Catechumenal way
旅行 lǚ xíng tuán tour group
旅遊 lǚ yóu tuán tour group
xīng tuán star cluster
昴宿星 mǎo xiù xīng tuán Pleiades M45
昴星 mǎo xīng tuán Pleiades M45
智囊 zhì náng tuán think tank; brain trust
會長 huì zhǎng tuán presidency (Mormon Church)