
sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump


團 tuán
  • round
  • lump
  • ball
  • to roll into a ball
  • to gather
  • regiment
  • group
  • society
  • classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)
  • dumpling


代表 dài biǎo tuán delegation; CL:個|个[ge4]
企業集 qǐ yè jí tuán business conglomerate
使 shǐ tuán diplomatic mission
使節 shǐ jié tuán a diplomatic group; a delegation
保安 bǎo ān tuán peace keeping group
傳教 chuán jiào tuán a mission (group of missionaries)
rù tuán to enroll in the Communist Youth League
內細胞 nèi xì bāo tuán inner cell mass (ICM)
八國集 bā guó jí tuán G8 (group of eight major industrialized nations)
公共體 gōng gòng tuán tǐ public organization
共產主義青年 gòng chǎn zhǔ yì qīng nián tuán the Communist Youth League
共青 gòng qīng tuán the Communist Youth League, abbr. for 共產主義青年團|共产主义青年团[Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2]
bīng tuán large military unit; formation; corps; army
利益集 lì yì jí tuán interest group
jù tuán theatrical troupe
功能 gōng néng tuán functional group (chemistry)
匪徒集 fěi tú jí tuán gangster
匯業財經集 huì yè cái jīng jí tuán Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau)
參訪 cān fǎng tuán delegation
合唱 hé chàng tuán chorus; choir
同儕體 tóng chái tuán tǐ peer group
商科集 shāng kē jí tuán Shangke Corporation, PRC IT company (since 1994)
dān tuán ad hoc group (tour group with a customized itinerary)
丁 tuán dīng (old) member of local militia
伙 tuán huǒ (criminal) gang; gang member; accomplice; crony