
surround, encircle, corral


  • surround, encircle, corral
  • surname Wei
  • to encircle
  • to surround
  • all around
  • to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl)


柏林牆 bó lín wéi qiáng Berlin Wall
殺出重 shā chū chóng wéi to force one's way out of encirclement; to break through
fēn wéi ambience; atmosphere
海塗墾 hǎi tú wéi kěn tideland reclamation
深海網 shēn hǎi wéi wǎng purse-seine net (fishing)
huán wéi to form a ring around
tū wéi to break a siege; to break out of an enclosure
fàn wéi range; scope; limit; extent; CL:個|个[ge4]
xiōng wéi chest measurement; bust
yāo wéi waist measurement; girth
tún wéi hip measurement
jiě wéi to lift a siege; to help sb out of trouble or embarrassment
chóng wéi to redouble a siege
防毒裙 fáng dú wéi qún protective apron
fēn wéi variant of 氛圍|氛围[fen1 wei2]