garden, cultivated field



  • garden, cultivated field
  • garden
  • orchard


圃 stroke order diagram
圃 stroke order animation


huā pǔ flowerbed; parterre
miáo pǔ Miao Pu (1977-), PRC actress; plant nursery; seedbed
鹀 pǔ wú (bird species of China) ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana)
鵐 pǔ wú (bird species of China) ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana)
yuán pǔ garden plot
yuán pǔ garden plot
xuán pǔ mythical fairyland on Kunlun Mountain 崑崙|昆仑[Kun1 lun2]
瑶之 yáo zhī pǔ jade garden of celestial ruler; paradise
瑤之 yáo zhī pǔ jade garden of celestial ruler; paradise
cài pǔ vegetable field; vegetable bed
yì pǔ The Garden of Cultivation in Suzhou, Jiangsu
yì pǔ The Garden of Cultivation in Suzhou, Jiangsu
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