diagram; chart, map, picture

HSK 3 #476


  • diagram
  • chart, map, picture
  • diagram
  • picture
  • drawing
  • chart
  • map
  • CL:張|张[zhang1]
  • to plan
  • to scheme
  • to attempt
  • to pursue
  • to seek


图 stroke order diagram
图 stroke order animation


族 hú tú zú Hutu, an ethnic group in Rwanda and Burundi
路线 lù xiàn tú route map; roadmap (also fig.)
形 tú xíng picture; figure; diagram; graph; depiction; graphical
示意 shì yì tú sketch; schematic diagram; graph
有利可 yǒu lì kě tú profitable
tān tú to covet; to seek (riches, fame)
标 tú biāo icon (computing)
钉 tú dīng thumbtack
解 tú jiě illustration; diagram; graphical representation; to explain with the aid of a diagram
lì tú to try hard to; to strive to
章 tú zhāng stamp; seal; CL:方[fang1]
wàng tú to try in vain; futile attempt
huà tú to draw designs, maps etc; picture (e.g. of life in the city)
样 tú yàng diagram; blueprint
zhì tú cartographic; graphics; to map; to chart; to draft; mapmaking; charting
唯利是 wéi lì shì tú to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything; self-seeking
谱 tú pǔ archive of graphics (e.g. maps, documents or botanical figures); atlas; collection of illustrations or sheet music
hóng tú major undertaking; vast plan; grand prospect
bǎn tú domain; territory
阿亚拉 ā yà tú lā ayatollah (religious leader in Shia Islam)
地形 dì xíng tú topographic map
gòu tú (art) composition
示 tú shì icon (computing)
惟利是 wéi lì shì tú variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wei2 li4 shi4 tu2]
分布 fēn bù tú scatter diagram; distribution chart; histogram