
to surround, besiege; to be surrounded; difficult

HSK 4 #868


  • to surround, besiege
  • to be surrounded
  • difficult
  • to trap
  • to surround
  • hard-pressed
  • stranded
  • destitute
  • sleepy
  • tired


困 stroke order diagram
困 stroke order animation


咽下难 yàn xià kùn nán dysphagia (medicine)
嚥下難 yàn xià kùn nán dysphagia (medicine)
守 kùn shǒu to stand a siege; trapped in a besieged city
局 kùn jú dilemma; predicament; difficult situation
惑不解 kùn huò bù jiě to feel perplexed
擾 kùn rǎo to perplex; to disturb; to cause complications
兽犹斗 kùn shòu yóu dòu a cornered beast will still fight (idiom); to fight like an animal at bay
獸猶鬥 kùn shòu yóu dòu a cornered beast will still fight (idiom); to fight like an animal at bay
難 kùn nan difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation
难在于 kùn nán zài yú the problem is...
難在於 kùn nán zài yú the problem is...
頓 kùn dùn fatigued; exhausted; poverty-stricken; in straitened circumstances
wéi kùn to besiege
扶危济 fú wēi jì kùn to help those in distress (idiom)
扶危濟 fú wēi jì kùn to help those in distress (idiom)
济危 fú kùn jì wēi see 濟危扶困|济危扶困[ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4]
濟危 fú kùn jì wēi see 濟危扶困|济危扶困[ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4]
扶贫济 fú pín jì kùn to help the poor; almsgiving for the needy; to assist poor households or poor regions
扶貧濟 fú pín jì kùn to help the poor; almsgiving for the needy; to assist poor households or poor regions
chūn kùn spring fatigue; spring fever
济危扶 jì wēi fú kùn to help people in difficulty and bring relief to the needy (idiom)
濟危扶 jì wēi fú kùn to help people in difficulty and bring relief to the needy (idiom)
扶危 jì kùn fú wēi to help those in distress (idiom)
扶危 jì kùn fú wēi to help those in distress (idiom)
fàn kùn (coll.) to get sleepy