nāng náng nang

bag, purse, sack; put in bag



囊 náng
  • sack
  • purse
  • pocket (for money)


囊 stroke order diagram
囊 stroke order animation


废 wō nang fèi (coll.) spineless coward; wimp; a good-for-nothing
qì náng air sac; aerostat gasbag
jiāo náng capsule (pharm.); caplet
肿 náng zhǒng cyst (med.)
wō nang to feel vexed; annoyed; good-for-nothing; stupid and cowardly
团 zhì náng tuán think tank; brain trust
yīn náng scrotum
dǎn náng gall bladder
慷慨解 kāng kǎi jiě náng to contribute generously (idiom); help sb generously with money; to give generously to charity
pí náng leather bag
xíng náng traveling bag; luggage
máo náng hair follicle
括 náng kuò to include; to embrace; to bring together
臭皮 chòu pí náng this mortal flesh
中饱私 zhōng bǎo sī náng to stuff one's pockets; to take bribes
取物 tàn náng qǔ wù to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie; in the bag
中羞涩 náng zhōng xiū sè to be embarrassingly short of money
bèi náng backpack; knapsack; rucksack
jǐn náng silk brocade bag, used in ancient times to hold poetry manuscripts and other precious items; (fig.) tip (a piece of practical advice)
jīng náng spermatophore
jiě náng lit. to loosen one's purse; fig. to give generously to help others
中飽私 zhōng bǎo sī náng to stuff one's pockets; to take bribes
其口 bù náng qí kǒu lit. to cover sb's mouth with cloth; to gag; fig. to silence
其口 bù náng qí kǒu lit. to cover sb's mouth with cloth; to gag; fig. to silence
qīng náng to empty one's pocket; to give everything to help sb
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