
ton (metric or English)


  • ton (metric or English)
  • ton (loanword)
  • Taiwan pr. [dun4]


gōng dūn ton; metric ton
qiān dūn kiloton
級核武器 qiān dūn jí hé wǔ qì kiloton weapon
zhān dūn xanthene (chemistry)
酮 zhān dūn tóng xanthone (chemistry)
位 dūn wèi tonnage
公里 dūn gōng lǐ ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of transport system)
數 dūn shù tonnage
級 dūn jí tonnage; class in tons (of a passenger ship)
lán dūn old form of London, capital of United Kingdom; now written 倫敦|伦敦
普林斯 pǔ lín sī dūn Princeton, New Jersey
普林斯大學 pǔ lín sī dūn dà xué Princeton University
百萬 bǎi wàn dūn megaton; million tons
百萬級核武器 bǎi wàn dūn jí hé wǔ qì megaton weapon
等效百萬當量 děng xiào bǎi wàn dūn dāng liàng equivalent megatonnage (EMT)
位 zǒng dūn wèi overall tonnage (of a shipping fleet or company)
yīng dūn tonne; imperial or US tonne, equal to 2240 pounds or 1.016 metric tons
重量 zhòng liàng dūn dead weight ton
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