used in transliterations



噶 gá
  • phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds)
  • Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha
  • (dialect) final particle similar to 了[le5] (esp. in Yunnan)


噶 stroke order diagram
噶 stroke order animation


玛兰 gá mǎ lán Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan; old name of Yilan 宜蘭|宜兰 county, Taiwan; Kavalan, a brand of single malt whisky from Taiwan
喀什尔 kā shí gá ěr Kashgar or Qeshqer (Chinese Kashi) in the west of Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan
喀什爾 kā shí gá ěr Kashgar or Qeshqer (Chinese Kashi) in the west of Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan
伦 gá lún Tibetan government official; same as 噶布倫|噶布伦
倫 gá lún Tibetan government official; same as 噶布倫|噶布伦
哈巫族 gá hā wū zú Kaxabu or Kahabu, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
啷啷 gá lāng lāng (onom.) hum and clatter
喇 gá lǎ (onom.); same as 噶拉[ga2 la1]
嗒 gá tà (onom.) clattering
嘣 gá bēng (onom.) kaboom
gá gá (onom.)
布伦 gá bù lún Tibetan government official
布倫 gá bù lún Tibetan government official
厦 gá xià government of Tibet, dissolved in 1959
廈 gá xià government of Tibet, dissolved in 1959
拉 gá lā (onom.); same as 噶喇[ga2 la3]
拉・多杰・仁波切 gá lā ・ duō jié ・ rén bō qiè Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of Buthanese religious leaders
拉・多傑・仁波切 gá lā ・ duō jié ・ rén bō qiè Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of Buthanese religious leaders
尔 gá ěr Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong
爾 gá ěr Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong
尔县 gá ěr xiàn Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong
爾縣 gá ěr xiàn Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong
瑪蘭 gá mǎ lán Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan; old name of Yilan 宜蘭|宜兰 county, Taiwan; Kavalan, a brand of single malt whisky from Taiwan
玛兰族 gá mǎ lán zú Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
瑪蘭族 gá mǎ lán zú Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
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