exhale; blow out; deep sigh; hiss; praise



嘘 xū
  • to exhale slowly
  • to hiss
  • hush!


嘘 stroke order diagram
嘘 stroke order animation


chuī xū to brag
声 xū shēng hissing sound; to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)
xī xū (onom.) to sigh; to sob
寒问暖 xū hán wèn nuǎn to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom); to pamper
chuǎn xū xū variant of 喘吁吁[chuan3 xu1 xu1]
xū xū to pee pee (kiddie or feminine slang)
声 fā xū shēng to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)
自我吹 zì wǒ chuī xū to blow one's own horn (idiom)
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