
be fond of, have weakness for



  • be fond of, have weakness for
  • addicted to
  • fond of
  • stem corresponding to -phil or -phile


嗜 stroke order diagram
嗜 stroke order animation


好 shì hào hobby; indulgence; habit; addiction
欲 shì yù lust
慾 shì yù lust
杀成性 shì shā chéng xìng bloodthirsty
殺成性 shì shā chéng xìng bloodthirsty
痂成癖 shì jiā chéng pǐ to have strange and dangerous addictions (idiom)
睡症 shì shuì zhèng hypersomnia; excessive sleepiness (medical)
血 shì xuè bloodthirsty; bloodsucking; hemophile
血杆菌 shì xuè gǎn jūn hemophile bacteria; hemophilus
血桿菌 shì xuè gǎn jūn hemophile bacteria; hemophilus
酒如命 shì jiǔ rú mìng to love wine as one's life (idiom); fond of the bottle
酸乳干菌 shì suān rǔ gān jūn Lactobacillus acidophilus
酸性球 shì suān xìng qiú eosinophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell)
酸性粒细胞 shì suān xìng lì xì bāo eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
酸性粒細胞 shì suān xìng lì xì bāo eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
碱性球 shì jiǎn xìng qiú basophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell)
鹼性球 shì jiǎn xìng qiú basophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell)
碱性粒细胞 shì jiǎn xìng lì xì bāo basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)
鹼性粒細胞 shì jiǎn xìng lì xì bāo basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)
发作性睡病 fā zuò xìng shì shuì bìng narcolepsy
發作性睡病 fā zuò xìng shì shuì bìng narcolepsy
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