
interjection to call attention

HSK 1 #1988


喂 wèi
  • hey
  • to feed (an animal, baby, invalid etc)
  • variant of 餵|喂[wei4]
  • to feed
喂 wéi
  • hello (when answering the phone)


喂 stroke order diagram
喂 stroke order animation


养 wèi yǎng to feed (a child, domestic animal etc); to keep; to raise (an animal)
奶 wèi nǎi to breast-feed
母乳养 mǔ rǔ wèi yǎng breastfeeding
良心狗 liáng xīn wèi gǒu to have fed one's conscience to the dogs (idiom); devoid of conscience
哺 wèi bǔ to feed (a baby)
料 wèi liào to feed (also fig.)
母乳 wèi mǔ rǔ breastfeeding
食 wèi shí to feed
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