a ā

exclamatory particle

HSK 3 #753


啊 a
  • modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent
啊 ā
  • interjection of surprise
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
啊 ǎ
  • interjection of surprise or doubt
  • Eh?
  • My!
  • what's up?
啊 á
  • interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer
  • Eh?
  • what?
啊 à
  • interjection or grunt of agreement
  • uhm
  • Ah, OK
  • expression of recognition
  • Oh, it's you!



呀 ā yā interjection of surprise; Oh my!
哟 ā yo interjection of surprise or pain; Oh; Ow; My goodness!
喲 ā yo interjection of surprise or pain; Oh; Ow; My goodness!
ā ā ā a string of exclamations; expresses a high level of excitement, frustration, or surprise
哈 ā hā ah-ha; an exclamation indicating sudden realization or discovery
a a a a repetitive expression of strong emotions such as excitement, shock, or frustration, similar to repeatedly uttering 'ah' or 'oh' to convey heightened emotional states
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