
to peck; (Cant.) to slander



啄 zhuó
  • to peck


啄 stroke order diagram
啄 stroke order animation


木鳥 zhú zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) pale-headed woodpecker (Gecinulus grantia)
红胸花鸟 hóng xiōng zhuó huā niǎo (bird species of China) fire-breasted flowerpecker (Dicaeum ignipectus)
紅胸花鳥 hóng xiōng zhuó huā niǎo (bird species of China) fire-breasted flowerpecker (Dicaeum ignipectus)
红颈绿木鸟 hóng jǐng lǜ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) red-collared woodpecker (Picus rabieri)
紅頸綠木鳥 hóng jǐng lǜ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) red-collared woodpecker (Picus rabieri)
纹胸木鸟 wén xiōng zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) stripe-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos atratus)
紋胸木鳥 wén xiōng zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) stripe-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos atratus)
纯色花鸟 chún sè zhuó huā niǎo (bird species of China) plain flowerpecker (Dicaeum minullum)
純色花鳥 chún sè zhuó huā niǎo (bird species of China) plain flowerpecker (Dicaeum minullum)
台湾拟木鸟 tái wān nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) Taiwan barbet (Megalaima nuchalis)
臺灣擬木鳥 tái wān nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) Taiwan barbet (Megalaima nuchalis)
艾条雀灸 ài tiáo què zhuó jiǔ "sparrow pecking" moxibustion technique (TCM)
艾條雀灸 ài tiáo què zhuó jiǔ "sparrow pecking" moxibustion technique (TCM)
花腹绿木鸟 huā fù lǜ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) laced woodpecker (Picus vittatus)
花腹綠木鳥 huā fù lǜ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) laced woodpecker (Picus vittatus)
茶胸斑木鸟 chá xiōng bān zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) fulvous-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos macei)
茶胸斑木鳥 chá xiōng bān zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) fulvous-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos macei)
蓝喉拟木鸟 lán hóu nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) blue-throated barbet (Megalaima asiatica)
藍喉擬木鳥 lán hóu nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) blue-throated barbet (Megalaima asiatica)
蓝耳拟木鸟 lán ěr nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) blue-eared barbet (Megalaima australis)
藍耳擬木鳥 lán ěr nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) blue-eared barbet (Megalaima australis)
赤胸木鸟 chì xiōng zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) crimson-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos cathpharius)
赤胸木鳥 chì xiōng zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) crimson-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos cathpharius)
赤胸拟木鸟 chì xiōng nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) coppersmith barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)
赤胸擬木鳥 chì xiōng nǐ zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) coppersmith barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)