

HSK 4 #1114


售 shòu
  • to sell
  • to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc)



虧本出 kuī běn chū shòu to sell at a loss
zhì shòu to manufacture and sell
zhì shòu to manufacture and sell
fàn shòu to sell
fàn shòu to sell
chāo shòu overbooking
dǔn shòu to sell wholesale
dǔn shòu to sell wholesale
jūn shòu arms sales
jūn shòu arms sales
pèi shòu to ration merchandise (esp. food in times of shortages)
xiāo shòu to sell; to market; sales (representative, agreement etc)
时点 xiāo shòu shí diǎn point of sale
時點 xiāo shòu shí diǎn point of sale
时点情报系统 xiāo shòu shí diǎn qíng bào xì tǒng point of sale system
時點情報系統 xiāo shòu shí diǎn qíng bào xì tǒng point of sale system
額 xiāo shòu é sales figure; total income from sales; turnover
點 xiāo shòu diǎn point of sale (POS); checkout; retail outlet
yù shòu advance sale; to sell in advance; to book
量 xiāo shòu liàng sales volume; amount of goods or services sold