
elder brother

HSK 2 #804


哥 gē
  • elder brother


哥 stroke order diagram
哥 stroke order animation


斯拉 gē sī lā Godzilla
摩纳 mó nà gē Monaco
马利 méng gē mǎ lì Bernard Montgomery (Montie) (1887-1976), Second World War British field marshal; Montgomery or Montgomerie (surname)
大 bō gē dà Bogota, capital of Colombia
wěi gē Viagra (male impotence drug)
吉拉 gē jí lā Godzilla (Tw)
佛朗 fó lǎng gē Franco (name); Generalissimo Francisco Franco Bahamonde (1892-1975), Spanish dictator and head of state 1939-1975
墨西湾 mò xī gē wān Gulf of Mexico
大 dà gē dà cell phone (bulky, early-model one); brick phone; mob boss
毕达拉斯 bì dá gē lā sī Pythagoras
公子儿 gōng zǐ gē r pampered son of a wealthy family
白尼 gē bái ní Mikolaj Kopernik or Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Polish astronomer, mathematician and polymath
特式 gē tè shì gothic
ā gē (familiar) elder brother
táng gē older male patrilineal cousin
利亚 gē lì yà Goliath
萨克 gē sà kè Cossack (people)
儿 gē r brothers; boys
耶利 yē lì gē Jericho (Biblical city)
duō gē Togo
林多 gē lín duō Corinth
特立尼达和多巴 tè lì ní dá hé duō bā gē Trinidad and Tobago
布林 gē bù lín goblin (loanword)
特 sī gē tè Scott (name)
尼雅 yē gē ní yǎ Jechoniah or Jeconiah (son of Josiah)