
member; personnel, staff member


員 yuán
  • person
  • employee
  • member


員 stroke order diagram


宇航 yǔ háng yuán astronaut
守門 shǒu mén yuán goalkeeper
guān yuán official (in an organization or government); administrator
dìng yuán fixed complement (of crew, passengers etc)
家庭成 jiā tíng chéng yuán family member
家政 jiā zhèng yuán housekeeping staff
審判 shěn pàn yuán judge (in court)
審計 shěn jì yuán accountant; auditor
zhuān yuán assistant director; commissioner
專門人 zhuān mén rén yuán specialist; specialized staff
導航 dǎo háng yuán navigator (on a plane or boat)
小組委會 xiǎo zǔ wěi yuán huì subcommittee
工作人 gōng zuò rén yuán staff member
工作委會 gōng zuò wěi yuán huì working committee
市議 shì yì yuán town councilor; city councilor; alderman
常務委會 cháng wù wěi yuán huì standing committee (e.g. of National People's Congress)
fú yuán size (i.e. area) of a country, geographical region or school campus etc; (fig.) scope; extent
diàn yuán shop assistant; salesclerk; salesperson
廣播 guǎng bō yuán (radio) broadcaster
引導 yǐn dǎo yuán usher; guide
從業人 cóng yè rén yuán employee; person employed in a trade or profession
fù yuán to demobilize; demobilization
愛國衛生運動委會 ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng wěi yuán huì Patriotic Health Committee
憲法監護委會 xiàn fǎ jiān hù wěi yuán huì Guardian Council, body of 12 appointed clerics which governs Iran
chéng yuán member