
stretch mouth, grimace, grin



咧 lie
  • modal particle expressing exclamation
咧 liě
  • to draw back the corners of one's mouth
咧 liē
  • see 咧咧[lie1 lie1]


咧 stroke order diagram
咧 stroke order animation


大大 dà dà liē liē carefree; offhand; casual
龇牙嘴 zī yá liě zuǐ to grimace (in pain); to show one's teeth; to bare one's fangs
骂骂 mà ma liē liē to swear while talking; to be foul-mouthed
呲牙嘴 zī yá liě zuǐ to grimace (in pain); to show one's teeth; to bare one's fangs
liē liē (dialect) to cry; to whimper; to talk drivel
嘴 liě zuǐ to grin
开嘴笑 liě kāi zuǐ xiào to laugh
開嘴笑 liě kāi zuǐ xiào to laugh
罵罵 mà ma liē liē to swear while talking; to be foul-mouthed
齜牙嘴 zī yá liě zuǐ to grimace (in pain); to show one's teeth; to bare one's fangs
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