
used in translation



咔 kǎ
  • (used as phonetic "ka")


咔 stroke order diagram
咔 stroke order animation


嚓 kā chā (onom.) breaking or snapping; (coll.) cut it out; stop it; also written 喀嚓[ka1 cha1]
唑 kǎ zuò carbazole (chemistry) (loanword)
嗒 kā dā (onom.) click; clatter
叽 kǎ jī khaki (loanword)
嘰 kǎ jī khaki (loanword)
哒声 kǎ da shēng (onom.) clunk
噠聲 kǎ da shēng (onom.) clunk
哒 kā dā onomatopoeic word used to describe the sound of a camera shutter clicking or the sound of something snapping or clicking
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