tiè chè zhān

whisper; lick, taste; petty


呫 tiè
  • to mutter
  • to talk indistinctly
呫 zhān
  • to drink
  • to sip
  • to taste
  • to lick
  • whisper
  • petty


tiè tiè to whisper
哔 tiè bì to read aloud
嗶 tiè bì to read aloud
吨 zhān dūn xanthene (chemistry)
噸 zhān dūn xanthene (chemistry)
吨酮 zhān dūn tóng xanthone (chemistry)
噸酮 zhān dūn tóng xanthone (chemistry)
嚅 tiè rú to whisper
嗫 tiè niè (onom.) muttering; to whisper; mouthing words
囁 tiè niè (onom.) muttering; to whisper; mouthing words
毕 tiè bì to read aloud; also written 呫嗶|呫哔
畢 tiè bì to read aloud; also written 呫嗶|呫哔
niè tiè to whisper
niè tiè to whisper
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